Our cooperative graphics Studio combines
shared learning and experiences with house-supplied hosting, materials and tools.

Our Cooperative Graphics Studio combines
shared learning and experiences with house materials and tools.

Our Cooperative Graphics Studio combines
shared learning and experiences with house materials and tools.

Active Studio sessions support two types of projects ::

Hobby projects are invented and designed to create great content pieces for your friends, relatives or unfunded non-profits. You'll be responsible for material paper and printing costs, permanent hosting and maintenance of your complete projects. We'll be happy to provide cost-effective recommendations on that process, tailored to your situation.

Incubator projects can have eventual "day-job" intentions, but cannot immediately augment an existing commercial business or funded non-profit. The assumption is that some incubator projects will later ‘graduate’ into the wider business world.

Immediate Mission ("day job") projects for yourself, your company, or funded non-profit orgs are negotiable with Rivermile consulting, or with other collaborators you find here at Publishing Stacks.

The curriculum is designed to guide you toward your best possible solutions and methods for publishing. For many, this hands-on experience will open the gates for high-level, self-service publishing.

As you would expect, direct work or custom consultations on your business-level projects is available, but with paid or retainer contracts only.

Studio opportunities and availability.

  • A combination of prepared tutorials and project-customized direction with a WordPress Publishing Stack.
  • Hosted, personal, fully customizable WordPress websites to build your hobby project or incubator idea, for the duration of the season. Advice provided for permanent installs and transfer.
  • Printing and graphic design advice, including recommendations for specific projects and levels.
  • Skill sharing, in publishing hardware or software usage, as well as writing, story lines, copy editing, video and audio, archiving and more.